Experiencing stress? Overwhelmed with emotions? Having a difficult time understanding what you're feeling, and noticing that you're increasingly short with those you love? It might be time to start finding ways of seeking inner peace.
Start a gratitude journal. Beginning and ending each day reflecting on what you're grateful for helps you become more attuned with your higher self.
Track your mood shifts. Ultimately, this will lead you to better understand what your triggers are. Is there a specific environment that you find yourself in that leads to agitation, or feeling flooded with emotions? Start to take note of what shifts for you depending on where you are and who is around you.
Get back to the basics. You know that saying, "From the Earth we are born and to the Earth we will return?" Take your shoes off and go barefoot in a field. Drive to the mountains and go for a hike. Swim in that cold New England ocean. Go for an early morning run, with just the feel of the wind and sun on your face. Connect with nature as you disconnect from social media, your phone, and the thoughts racing in your head.
Practice breathwork. We cannot stress the importance of this enough; the more you learn about the benefits of deep breaths, the more aware you'll be of how healing it can be.
Take breaks from technology. As challenging as this can be in our modern world, it's as simple as that. Be present with who, and what, is around you.
Build in time for self-care. This could mean re-connecting with your higher spiritual self, establishing boundaries, and learning how to stop apologizing for saying "no" to whatever no longer serves you.
And lastly, manifest. Write down daily mantras of all the positive goodness you deserve, even if you don't fully believe it yet. Practice affirmations as you build up an understanding of self-worth and create goals for yourself that ultimately lead to inner peace.